oh fairy, i totally understand what you're saying and I also understand how it can be misconstrued by other members that don't know you that well.....
you mean that there wasn't much activity, then we had a theme week and members came out of the woodwork, then kinda disappeared again, then an election for council member, members again came out of the woodwork, election's done, off they go, and the cycle keeps repeating itself.
our food drive was very successful, but not as successful as the jelly drive and I agree with what we were discussing last night that it was probably because of everything else that was going on at the same time.... we really need to only concentrate on one function at once, otherwise it's too easy to get distracted from one by the other.
tngirl and fullbloom did an awesome job organizing it and kept everyone informed about what was going on, i just think it was the timing.....
as dl posted in the "game plan" he's giving us all a little bit of a break in between our planned activities....
activities are an awesome way to keep interest up, but too much activity can be a bad thing too.... you can't go straight from a theme week into the gahl, directly into something else... there has to be a break because it will burn out those of us that are regular and extremely active
nifty, no offense to you, but i completely disagree with your statement that we have more active members now than we have had in a long time.... as you yourself said that we have a newsletter to fill that hasn't received very many submissions..... though I may be misunderstanding what you're saying or the timeline that you're referring to (one of the things that I hate about written correspondence)
fairy's talking about right this very moment, this day, this week... and i think you may have misunderstood what she was trying to say. yes, we just had an awesome theme week. we did have a whole lot of participation in it, a lot more than normal. But as soon as theme week was over, people disappeared. well, we all spent a whole lot of time on the boards during the theme week and the elections and yes, we all do need a little bit of a break
unfortunately, i believe that these types of threads are going to be common, i also don't understand why everyone is now making excuses for members (please don't take this the wrong way)
i remember a thread back before school let out that was created because of the guild's inactivity and everyone had agreed then that as soon as school let out we would have more activity as people would have more time to participate... now that school's out and we're once again facing a little bit of an activity issue, it's because everyone has more time on their hands yet are busy with vacations and such and will resume their activities once school starts back.... that in itself is a contradiction in terms
because i know fairy personally, i know that she has only got the best interests of the guild at heart and sometimes she has problems expressing that accurately when posting, i know exactly what she means and i agree with her
then again, i can also see everyone else's point as well by trying to read her post through the eyes of someone that doesn't know her personally and takes it all literally to the very context..... i'm sorry that everyone misunderstood what she was meaning and i don't want to come off as everyone is "bashing" her but i was a little upset by some of the responses in this thread
fairy was not meaning to "degrade" the guild by any means, she only meant to try to spark a little more interest when we're not participating in something that is possibly going to grant us a nice prize from the guild
after all, that is one of the main reasons why people will join a guild.... possibility of getting items for being a member, a little help when it's needed, and to meet people with similar interests from all walks of life
I did, though I can't speak for everyone else
it also bothers me about some of these posts because that means that as active as fairy is, there are still some rather active other members that haven't had the opportunity to get to know her as I do and to me that is a shame
everyone in this guild is awesome and i totally understand that sometimes there will be disagreements, even heated ones (some times I tend to start those myself - please make this an exception to that
) and fairy is also suggesting a way for our members to get to know each other even more, yet i feel like it was tossed aside as irrelevant, even though i know that you all didn't see it that way or you wouldn't have dismissed it so quickly
please correct me if i'm wrong, this is just my perspective (and i never accused myself of ALWAYS being right