Answers! ;DHere are some answers: Thank you to everyone who has posted answers as well to contribute to the list.
Best color to paint a(n)
2. christmas
3. maraquan
4. Darigan
5. Cloud
Aisha:1. Baby
2. Alien
3. Maraquan
4. Halloween
Blumaroo:1. Baby
2. Blue
3. Camouflage
4. Halloween
5. Maraquan
Bori:1. Baby
2. Cloud
3. Blue
4. Darigan
5. Faerie
Bruce:1. Baby
2. Christmas
3. maraquan
4. Darigan
5. Halloween
Chia :1. Baby
2. Apple
3. Christmas
***not Chokato, plushie, purple, faerie, avocado, blue
Chomby:1. Baby
2. Maraquan
3. Cloud
4. Blue
**not disco, faerie, custard, jelly, starry, snow, biscuit, green, brown, fire
Cybunny:1. Baby
2. Christmas
3. Maraquan
4. Halloween
5. Darigan
Draik:1. Maraquan
2. Darigan
3. Christmas
4. Blue
5. Baby
Elephante:1. Baby
2. maraquan
3. desert
4. Blue
5. Cloud
Eyrie:1. darigan
2. baby
3. maraquan
4. Christmas
5. Cloud
Gelert:1. Baby
2. Christmas
3. Maraquan
4. Blue
5. Faerie
Grarrl:1. Darigan
2. Baby
3. Maraquan
4. Halloween
***not blue, island, mutant, brown, checkered, cloud
Grundo:1. Baby
3. Christmas
**not Faerie, cloud, darigan, maraquan, island, disco, marshmallow, spotted, fire, pirate, blue, brown, checkered, ghost, glowing, grey,green, mutant
Hissi:1. Darigan
2. Baby
3. Blue
4. Maraquan
5. Ice
Ixi:1. Baby
2. Faerie
3. Christmas
4. Darigan
5. Maraquan
Jetsam:1. Baby
2. Darigan
3. Blue
4. Halloween
***not pirate, brown, checkered
JubJub:1. Baby
2. Christmas
3. Blue
4. Garlic
5. Maraquan
Kacheek:1. Christmas
2. Baby
3. Blue
***not faerie, Halloween, starry, cloud, plushie, disco, tyrannian, brown, checkered, desert, electric, fire
Kau:1. Baby
2. Christmas
3. Blue
5. Maraquan
***not darigan, faerie, halloween, camouflage, rainbow, desert, brown, checkered, disco, electric, jelly
Kiko:1. Baby
2. Christmas
3. Chokato
4. Halloween
Koi:1. Baby
2. Faerie
3. Blue
4. Christmas
**not Halloween, brown, checkered
Korbat:1. Baby
2. Halloween
3. Maraquan
4. Christmas
Kougra:1. Baby
2. Darigan
3. Camouflage
4. Faerie
5. Halloween
Krawk:1. Darigan
2. Maraquan
3. Halloween
***not faerie, royal, pirate, blue, brown, ghost
Kyrii:1. Baby
2. Christmas
3. Maraquan
4. Darigan
5. Faerie
Lenny:1. Faerie
2. Baby
3. Maraquan
4. Darigan
5. Christmas
Lupe:1. Baby
2. Halloween
3. Darigan
4. Christmas
Meerca:1. baby
2. faerie
3. Halloween
4. Christmas
5. Maraquan
Moehog:1. Baby
2. Darigan
3. Christmas
4. Maraquan
Mynci:1. Baby
2. Maraquan
4. Christmas
Nimmo:1. Baby
2. Alien
3. Halloween
***not Christmas, faerie, darigan, speckled, blue, camouflage, apple, maraquan, fire, asparagus, aubergine, avacado
Peophin:1. Baby
2. Maraquan
3. Faerie
4. darigan
5. Blue
Poogle:1. Baby
3. Darigan
4. Faerie
5. Maraquan
** not spotted, Halloween, Pirate, alien, apple, blue, blueberry, brown, camouflage, carrot, checkered, christmas, chocolate, clay, count von roo,
Pteri:1. Faerie
2. Baby
3. Maraquan
4. Halloween
5. Christmas
Quiggle:1. Baby
2. Quiguki
4. Apple
**not starry, faerie, or rainbow, sponge, Halloween, royal, ice, spotted, pink, jelly
Ruki:1. Baby
2. Maraquan
3. Faerie
Scorchio:1. baby
2. Fire
3. Maraquan
4. Halloween
5. Christmas
Shoyru:1. Baby
2. Maraquan
3. Darigan
4. Halloween
Skeith:1. baby
2. Maraquan
3. Darigan
4. Halloween
5. Alien
Techo:1. Baby
2. Halloween
3. Darigan
**not faerie, Christmas, maraquan, Island, blue, camouflage, brown, chocolate, fire
Tonu:1. Baby
2. darigan
3. Blue
4. faerie
Tuskaninny:1. Baby
2. Maraquan
4. Christmas
5. Darigan
**not Alien, faerie, blue, Halloween, cloud, disco, desert, brown, camouflage, chocolate, checkered, chokato, clay
Uni:1. Baby
2. Faerie
3. Halloween
4. Christmas
5. Darigan
Usul:1. Baby
2. Usuki
3. Halloween
4. Christmas
5. Maraquan
Wocky:1. Baby
2. Christmas
3. Camouflage
4. Maraquan
Yurble :1. Baby
2. Halloween
3. Christmas
4. Cloud
5. Blue
Zafara:1. Baby
2. Christmas
3. Darigan
4. Maraquan
Faeries:Which faerie is the most interesting?
1. Fyora/Faerie Queen
3. Rainbow Fountain Faerie
**not space, illusen, jhudora, air, water,
Which bottled faerie gives the best abilities?
1. Fire
2. Water
3. Dark
What is the best bottled faerie to find?
1. fire
2. light
3. water
Which faerie is the most popular?
1. Fyora/Faerie Queen
2. Illusen
3. Darkest
4. Air faerie
***not fire, grey, negg, battle, dark, fuhnah,
Gallery of Evil:Who is your fave villian in the gallery of evil?
1. Count Von Roo
2. Dr. Sloth
3. Jhudora
**not commander garoo, balthazar, pant devil, capt. scarblade, vira, lord darigan, lord kass, Meuka, court dancer, tax beast, benny, jelly chia, bringer of the night, galem, ghost lupe or hubrid nox
Who is your LEAST fave villian in the gallery of evil?
1. Balthazar
2. Dr. Sloth
3. Benny
4. Count Von Roo
Who is the most fearsome villian in the gallery of Evil?
1. Dr. Sloth
2. Balthazar
3. Count Von Roo
4. Capt. Scarblade
5. Bringer of the Night
Gallery of Heros:Who is your LEAST favorite hero in the gallery of heroes?
2. Galgarroth
3. King Skarl
4. General Dacon
5. Garin
Who is your favorite hero in the gallery of heroes?
1. fyora
2. space faerie
3. Illusen
4. Commander Gormos
**not General Dacon, Cylara,
Best Pets to Paint __?__:Darigan1. draik
2. Hissi
3. Acara
***not Aisha, blumaroo, bori, bruce, buzz, cybunny, gelert, grarrl, eyrie,
1. Kougra
2. Aisha
3. Blumaroo
4. Bruce
5. Acara
Maraquan:1. Acara
2. Draik
3. Blumaroo
4. Aisha
5. Bruce
Baby:1. Bruce
3. Acara
4. Aisha
** not blumaroo, bori, buzz, chia, chomby, cybunny, draik, elephante, eyrie, flotsam, gelert, grarrl, grundo, hissi, jubjub, kacheek, kau, moehog, tonu
Island:1. acara
2. Chia
3. aisha
4. Bori
**not blumaroo, buzz, chomby, cybunny,draik, elephante, eyrie, flotsam, gelert, grarrl, ixi, kiko, lenny, shoyru
Tyrannian:1. Kougra
2. Draik
3. Cybunny
5. Elephante
***not ,acara, blumaroo, bori, chia, flotsam, grarrl, jubjub, kacheek, kau, korbat, krawk, lenny, lupe, meerca, moehog,
royal:1. Aisha
2. acara
3. uni
4. Bruce
***not buzz, lupe, poogle, cybunny, draik, eyrie
Starry:1. Blumaroo
2. Aisha
3. Acara
4. Gelert
***not bori, bruce, buzz, chia, chomby, cybunny, draik, elephante, eyrie, flotsam, grarrl, grundo or hissi
Shadow:1. Draik
3. Aisha
**not acara, chomby, cybunny, zafara, elephante, blumaroo, flotsam, eyrie, gelert, grarrl, grundo, hissi, ixi, jetsam, jubjub
Robot:1. Buzz
2. Lupe
3. Acara
**not jetsam, kougra, draik, blumaroo, kiko, shoyru, cybunny, wocky, aisha, bori, chia, chomby, grarrl, gelert
Plushie:1. Kougra
3. Acara
4. Cybunny
Pirate: 1. Aisha
2. Blumaroo
3. Cybunny
4. Krawk
Cloud:1. Aisha
2. Cybunny
3. Bruce
4. Chia
5. Elephante
Other:What neopet is best in the battledome?
1. Grarrl
2. Bori
3. Bruce
4. Acara
5. Draik
Which is the most popular winged neopet?
1. Draik
2. shoyru
** not korbat, Buzz, elephante,
Which is the most effective Mote?
1. Electrical
2. Lava
3. Bubble
4. Dung
What is the best original codestone to find?
1. Main
2. Tai-Kai
3. Eo
4. Lu
5. Mau
Which map set gives the best rewards?
1. Secret Lab
2. Petpet
3. Original
*** Quick question, there was an option for a "Christmas" map.... I didn't know that existed...anyone know anything about it?
Which is the best Neopian Month?
1. celebrating
2. eating
3. swimming
4. awakening
5. Collecting
Which petpet shop sells the CUTEST petpet?
1.faerieland petpets
2.neopian petpet shop
3. Geraptiku
4. Wintery
5. Little Nippers
Which petpet shop sells the COOLEST petpet?
1.faerieland petpets
2.neopian petpet shop
3. wintery
4. Little Nippers
5. robopet shop
If you could only own one neopet, which species would it be?
1. Acara
3. Cybunny
4. Draik
***not chomby, poogle, ruki, aisha, blumaroo, buzz, bori, bruce, chia, elephante, eyrie, flotsam, gelert, grarrl, grundo, ixi, hissi or jetsam
Which is the best overall neopet?
1. Acara
2. Kougra
3. Aisha
***not chomby, eyrie
Which original codestone has the coolest name?
1 tai kai
3. Mau
4. zei
***not har, bri, or Eo, lu, vo or orn